Next-Gen Retail Tech

Computer Vision
Empowered by cutting-edge computer vision and sensor fusion technology, TROLLEE P2 revolutionizes the retail experience, offering a seamless shopping journey for shoppers.

Advanced Anti-Theft System
TROLLEE P2's advanced anti-theft technology uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms to recognize suspicious behaviors, ensuring a frictionless experience for customers and reducing losses for retailers.

Unscanned item
Unscanned item

Wrong item

Multiple item
AdEdge Marketing Autom
Supported by VeeaHub platform, TROLLEE offers an all-in-one solution with content management and real-time AI-driven campaigns, which helps retailers provide personalized service and in-store offerings.

AdEdge Marketing Automation
Supported by VeeaHub platform, TROLLEE offers an all-in-one solution with content management and real-time AI-driven campaigns, which helps retailers provide personalized service and in-store offerings.

Modular and Adaptable
With replacable modules, TROLLEE P2 can be fully adaptive to the diverse demands of retailers worldwide, combining standardization and flexibility.